This will be a brief blog post. Basically, what happened is, yesterday, a YouTuber by the name of "DallasGoldBug", told one of his subscribers to watch out for me because I am Oprah's long lost half-sister and that I am not to be trusted basically because, according to Mr. Bumble Bee, I am a plant (a spy).
Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds???! He is clearly Looney, dancing to his own tune! Not only is that a BOLD FACED LIE, I look NOTHING like her sister! I also have no half siblings! If Oprah were my real half-sister, I would not be working a 9-5 for starters. For two, I wouldn't be living in the hood. Lastly, I never said anything to Mr. Bug for him to even come at me INDIRECTLY like that!
Anyway, I initially thought it was funny! I was hoping he would have said he was joking. Then I realized, not only was he NOT joking, he was dead ass serious, but I realized he was implying that ALL BLACK PEOPLE look alike! I have inserted the SCREENSHOOTS for you all to review for yourself. Yes, hunntea, I made sure I screen shot that mess because had I not, I seriously doubt anyone would believe me.
Oprah's Half Sister FOUND!!! | No click bait. TRUE STORY
SCREENSHOT # 3 (Oprah's Half-Sister)
OK, so you had the chance to examine the evidence. Who is crazy -- ME or The Bumble Bee? Please comment.
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